2011 - 2015
Bachelor degree in software engineering
Novi Sad, Serbia
Faculty of Technical Sciences
2007 - 2011
Graduated as a computer technician
Novi Sad, Serbia
High School of Electrotechnics
2021 - present
Software Engineer
Working with these technologies: ReactJS, React Context and/or Redux as state management, Typescript, Formik, maps(leafletjs), MaterialUI, Styled components, Storybook, bit(dev) as a component library, bitbucket… Consuming API’s via REST/GraphQL
2020 - 2021
Full Stack Javascript Developer
Development of a messaging platform for a french startup in the financial business. Worked with the newest versions of these technologies: React, Node.js, GraphQL, MongoDB, CodeceptJS with Gherkin for E2E tests, Jest, git (Gitlab)
2018 - 2020
Web Developer
Worked on a wealth management web application for an American client. I worked with these technologies: Angular(5+), Rxjs, SASS, Karma and Jasmine test environment, Consuming REST API which is based in a Ruby back-end, git(Github)
2015 - 2018
Full Stack Java Developer
Working on development and integration of a web application which clients from insurance businesses based in France use. I worked with these technologies: Java EE, Spring, Oracle SQL, Hibernate, Javascript (AngularJS, Dojo), HTML, JSP, CSS, Bootstrap, Cucumber, JUnit, Mockito, Spring batch, git (Gitlab), Agile Development Process, JIRA, Jenkins
2017 - present
Involves developing deployment ready web applications in latest technology stacks such as ReactJS, Angular, NodeJS, MongoDB, Rxjs, Redux, Ngrx, SASS etc.
Cambridge English: First (FCE)
Cambridge English Language Assessment
React - The Complete Guide (incl Hooks, React Router, Redux)
Udemy. Credential ID: UC-3Q67J7PR
JavaScript - Understanding the Weird Parts
Udemy. Credential ID: UC-CJEQ5Q8W
RxJs 6 In Practice
Udemy. Credential ID: UC-GJB1NOPM
Understanding TypeScript
Udemy. Credential ID: UC-MEML4YGP
NgRx In Depth (Angular 7 and NgRx 6)
Udemy. Credential ID: UC-E3LEOXOJ
The Complete Node.js Developer Course (2nd Edition)
Udemy. Credential ID: UC-UVLG8T0Z
Front-End JavaScript Frameworks: Angular
Coursera. Credential ID: A6RCTV92CFGN
git (Github, Gitlab, Bitbucket)
VS Code
Agile process development
IntelliJ/Eclipse IDE
Linux, macOS and Windows environments
- native
- fluent